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Freunde der Kirchenmusik (Friends of Church Music)

For more than fifteen years, the society "Freunde der Kirchenmusik in St. Michael e.V." (Friends of Church Music at St. Michael's) has been supporting musical activities at St. Michael's Church. With their membership fees and donations, the members of the society sponsor the work of choral director Frank Höndgen and organist Peter Kofler as well as that of all our music ensembles. Their support helps us maintain the high level of quality that so many people appreciate.

Are you interested in supporting our music?
We would love to welcome you as a member of our society.

More detailed information (in German) is available as a download (membership application with direct debit authorization, statutes, information leaflet). The current statutes of the society can be found here (in German).

We are also happy to answer your questions personally -
please contact us via kontakt(at) or give us a call!

We are looking forward to you and thank you for your support.

P. Martin Stark SJ
Dr. Frank Höndgen
Martin Kraus
Peter Settele
Dr. Thomas Pattloch

     as members of the steering committee

Chairman: Attorney Martin Kraus

Dr. Julia Zink, Sekretariat
Maxburgstraße 1
80333 München
Fon +49 89 / 23 17 06-14
Fax +49 89 / 23 17 06-40

Bank details:
Freunde der Kirchenmusik in St. Michael e.V.
Konto 2114739 | BLZ 750 903 00
Liga Bank München

Join the Society:
Flyer (with direct debit mandate)
» in German download
» Statutes - in German download

Choir & Orchestra of St. Michael's

The choir and orchestra of St. Michael's have by far the longest and richest tradition of all the musical ensembles connected to our church. They can look back at a history that spans more than 400 years, starting with the consecration of the altars in 1592, which was accompanied by then maestro di capella Orlando di Lasso. Today the choir and orchestra are essential elements in the great concert of all musical ensembles at St. Michael's.

The Organ of St. Michael's

2011 - The organ is reorganised and expanded with a German swell-box by the Rieger organ-building company from Vorarlberg/Austria (inauguration on October 30, 2011). The prospectus of Jesuit brother Johann Hörmann from the 17th century is retained and the better part of the pipe material from the predecessor organ (Sandtner 1982/83) is re-used. The new Rieger organ allows stylistically accurate interpretations of very wide range of organ music and provides an ideal foundation for sophisticated improvisations.