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We are dependent on donations, especially after two difficult Corona years.

St. Michael's is a church owned by the state and belongs under church law as a side church to the cathedral. The church foundation St. Michael is independent and subordinate to the ordinariate. The Free State of Bavaria is responsible for investments that affect the building fabric. The archdiocese finances the salaries of the full-time staff.

The diocesan subsidy does not even cover half of our expenses. The maintenance of the rooms, the fees incurred, the administrative and energy costs, the liturgical needs and above all the honorary staff in the area of music (soloists, orchestra musicians) must be covered from the income of the church foundation. St. Michael's must "bring in" over half a million euros annually. This is done through Sunday collections, the income from the offering candles and, above all, through voluntary donations.

Support is possible in the following ways in particular:

As a one-time donation:
We are, especially in Corona times, dependent on donations. You are welcome to transfer money to the St. Michael's account under the keyword "Kollekte" (collection), especially since the income from the bell bag has decreased considerably. If you would like to donate specifically for the music, please feel free to use the keyword "Michaelsmusik" We thank you for all your willingness to support us.

Bank details Kirchenstiftung (Church Foundation)
Kirchenstiftung St. Michael - Jesuitenkirche
Liga-Bank München 
IBAN DE57 7509 0300 0002 1462 90

As a permanent support through membership - Freunde der Kirchenmusik e.V.:

For over fifteen years, the "Friends of Church Music in St. Michael e.V." association has supported music in St. Michael's Church. With your contributions and donations, the association supports the work of choir director Frank Höndgen and St. Michael's organist Peter Kofler, as well as all the music ensembles at the level that many people appreciate.
If you too would like to support St. Michael's music, we would be delighted to receive your membership and donation.

Bank details Freunde der Kirchenmusik:
Freunde der Kirchenmusik in St. Michael e.V.
Liga Bank München
IBAN: DE80 7509 0300 0002 1147 39

More information here.

As a long-term commitment - St. Michael Music Foundation

In order to secure the long-term future of our St. Michael's music, we have established our own foundation under civil law. If you would like to support us, please contact us. Endowments and donations are always welcome.

Contact: Dr. Frank Höndgen, Choral Director
Bank details Musikstiftung:
Bethmann Bank
Account No. 2009942
BLZ 501 203 83
IBAN DE 25 5012 0383 0002 0099 42

More info:


Dr. Julia Zink, Sekretariat
Maxburgstraße 1
80333 München
Fon +49 89 / 23 17 06-14
Fax +49 89 / 23 17 06-40