Main Menu > Faith & Spirituality > Faith Guidance > Who we are

Wer wir sind

Within the archdiocese of Munich and Freising, Catholic Faith Guidance serves as the official contact for questions about rejoining the church, about conversion and believer's baptism.
Faith Guidance is a place for encounters, open for seekers, questioners and believers alike.
We offer information and open exchanges on faith and the church. For adults we organize courses on faith and direction to prepare them for the sacraments of initiation (baptism, confirmation and Eucharist) and for the process of joining the Roman Catholic church.

Faith Guidance
Glaubensorientierung in St. Michael
Maxburgstraße 1
80333 München
» Link to the Faith Guidance page of the Archiepiscopal Ordinariate

Thomas Hürten
Pastoral Assistant, Expert Consultant
Phone +49 / 89 / 21 37 - 2402

Photo: Aicher

P. Andreas Batlogg SJ
Priest, pastoral staff
Phone  +49 / 89 / 23 17 06-35

Photo: Christian Ender

Sabine Meier
Phone  +49 / 89 / 21 37 - 2405
Fax +49 / 89 / 21 37 - 275391

Core times secretary:
Tuesday to Thursday
8:00 - 15:00

Photo: Aicher

Korbinian Stegemeyer
Theologischer Mitarbeiter
Fon +49 / 89 / 2137 - 774 78

Foto: Walter Glück

Faith Course

From time to time we offer shorter course units, in order to delve deeper into a specific topic of faith. We are happy to respond to your suggestions here and to take up any questions and topics that might otherwise remain unaddressed or not get enough time to explore them sufficiently.

Faith Talk

You have questions about our faith and the church ... We have time. And we are looking forward to talking with you. Currently we are also assembling a group of female pastoral caregivers who are available for conversation. We are here for you - in person, by phone or by mail.