And in the Darkness the Light
Advent Meditations in the High Choir of St. Michael's, arranged by the Christian Life Community Munich
Let the silence of the candle-lit church sink into your mind and soul.
Verbal impulses and music will help you calm down and find to God and to yourself.
You can find all current dates in our schedule.

Christian Life Community
Seek and find God in all things. This motto by Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Jesuit order, shapes our spirituality. The spiritual exercises that he once developed are essential for us. This spiritual path of exercises can help you to come to terms with your life and make decisions in the spirit of Jesus Christ.

Prayer Group Young Adults
Since 2013 young adults meet in a prayer group at St. Michael's to share their faith and their lives with each other. We sing together, share free prayers as intercession, thanksgiving or praise, and discuss a text from the Holy Scripture. Various forms of personal prayer are introduced and practiced together, such as guided bibliologues, reviews of the day according to Ignatian tradition, or meditative dances.