The ministry of cantors has been revived during the liturgical renewals after the Second Vatican Council. Even at St. Michael's this ministry has re-established itself as a key element of the liturgy. Ten women and men volunteer as cantors for our services on Sundays and during the week.
Central to our work is the idea of proclaiming the scripture in song by singing the responsorial psalm after the Old Testament reading; we alternate between musical arrangements from Freiburger Kantorenbuch, Münchener Kantorale, and free vocal improvisations accompanied by our organist.
Are you interested in serving as a cantor at St. Michael's and join our group?
Please contact Choral Director Dr. Frank Höndgen.
Dr. Frank Höndgen
Phone +49 / 89 / 23 17 06-34
Fax +49 / 89 / 23 17 06-40

Chamber Choir
The Chamber Choir of St. Michael's was founded in 2006 to provide music for the festive arrangement of services during Holy Week. According to ancient traditions, all instrument fall and remain silent in the liturgy between Holy Thursday and the Easter night; the only music left is vocal music. The choir continues this tradition by dedicating itself mainly to a capella literature from the 16th to 21st century.

Choir & Orchestra of St. Michael's
The choir and orchestra of St. Michael's have by far the longest and richest tradition of all the musical ensembles connected to our church. They can look back at a history that spans more than 400 years, starting with the consecration of the altars in 1592, which was accompanied by then maestro di capella Orlando di Lasso. Today the choir and orchestra are essential elements in the great concert of all musical ensembles at St. Michael's.