Contemplative Spirituality
Contemplative prayer is a particular way of Christian - especially Ignatian - prayer. It focuses on the immediate dialogical relationship between the praying person and God, shaped by orientation towards Jesus Christ, "the way and the truth and the life" (John 14:6).
In contemplative prayer, we focus our attention on the rhythm of our breathing, on the name of Jesus Christ, repeated in the rhythm of our breathing, and on our relationship with him. An appropriate sitting position and body posture support the meditating person in collecting themself. This tradition of prayer is echoed in what Ignatius of Loyola (1491-1556) calls the "Third Way of Praying" in his "Spiritual Exercises" (cf. nos. 252 and 258). Our offers aim to cultivate this way of praying at St. Michael's:
- Contemplation through the Jesus Prayer – Open Contemplative Evening (3 x 30 min)
Monday 19:00 – 21:00
Directors: Gisela Reindl-Schmid and Marie-Luise Fleck
The contemplative evenings will not take place in August. - Contemplative afternoons with Eucharist service
Saturday 14:00 – 18:00 (please check the schedule for concrete dates)
Director: Gisela Reindl-Schmid
(For more info see