Main Menu > Worship > We are here for you > Welcome Team

Welcome Team

We are a group of 12-15 volunteers who welcome visitors to the church. We are at their disposal if they have questions or other requests. This leads to many diverse, enriching encounters.

Sometimes it is personal concerns and woes that start a conversation, sometimes the beauty of the church. Many questions emerge - about the artworks, the services, the music, the spiritual offers, or the Jesuit order.

Even the most unremarkable request may turn into a conversation. "All real living is meeting." This sentence by Martin Buber proves true over and over again for the welcome team at St. Michael's.

Are you interested in joining our team? Here is what you should bring:

* joy in talking with other people
* interpersonal skills, experience in communication
* increasing expertise about St. Michael's and the Jesuit order
* reliability in the sense of regular presence (about 2h every week)
* foreign language skills and an e-mail address are desirable

Contact and information:

Hiltrud Schönheit
Klaus-Jürgen Meyer

Gate St. Michael's
Maxburgstrasse 1
80333 München
Phone +49 / 89 / 23 17 06-0
Fax +49 / 89 / 23 17 06-40

Mon - Thu 09:00 - 12:30  
  13:30 - 17:00  
Fri 09:00 - 12:30  
  13:30 - 15:00  

Virtual Tour

Welcome to a virtual tour through St. Michael's Church! We hope that you enjoy this special way of exploring our church and become eager to visit St. Michael's in the real world as well.

Spiritual Direction

For Jesuits, "spiritual direction" is an important element of living in an active relation to God. It is an offer for women and men who want to live in a more conscious and fulfilled way, who want to make "more" of their lives. Many people yearn to see God's traces in their own lives more clearly and to follow their tracks.