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Abraham's Blessing

On the second Wednesday of every month, after the general blessing at the conclusion of the Evening Mass, individual worshippers can receive "Abraham's Blessing". Abraham, father of faith, was a man of new beginnings. Many people find themselves in departures and transitions. Originally this form of blessing was aimed at people who were about to retire from professional life. But many others also use this personal form of blessing to ask God for strength during other transitions in their lives.

Conversation / Faith Talk

You are experiencing very concrete worries? Or maybe a vague feeling of anxiety? You are struggling with a problem? Or you are feeling well? You want to express your happiness about an achievement or success? You have experienced deep joy?

Family Service

For families with children St. Michael offers regular family services on Sundays at 11:00. Children are addressed specifically and involved in the liturgy. They accompany the gospel book as we sing the Alleluia. For the Lord's Prayer they gather around the altar, receive the sign of peace and pass it on.