Choir & Orchestra of St. Michael's
The choir and orchestra of St. Michael's have by far the longest and richest tradition of all the musical ensembles connected to our church. They can look back at a history that spans more than 400 years, starting with the consecration of the altars in 1592, which was accompanied by then maestro di capella Orlando di Lasso. Today the choir and orchestra are essential elements in the great concert of all musical ensembles at St. Michael's.
Collegium Monacense
Collegium Monacense of St. Michael's is a professional vocal ensemble that cultivates the tradition of the court chapel, i.e. music performed around the times of St. Michael's original construction. The ensemble's sound is ideal for performing works of the early modern era, particularly Renaissance and early Baroque music. But the Collegium also tackles music in all other styles and from all eras (in appropriately varying sizes).