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Exercises in Everyday Life

Great Spiritual Exercises as semi-annual Exercises in Everyday Life

The 30-day Spiritual Exercises according to the concept of Ignatius of Loyola are a path of practice: First you deepen your relationship with God, then you follow the path of reconciliation with God, with others and with yourself. Finally, Jesus's path of life is considered as an orientation for our own lives: from his birth through his journey to the cross to the resurrection.
Practitioners are expected to take half an hour each day for reflection, and to review the day in the evening. We meet every two weeks to share our experiences, celebrate the Eucharist and get in the mood for the next two weeks. Individual accompaniment is necessary.

In recent years, more than 150 participants have come to know and appreciate the course.

Ökumenische Exerzitien im Alltag

27. Februar bis 27. März 2023
(Treffen am: 27.02., 06.03., 13.03., 20.03., 27.03. jew. um 19 Uhr im Michaelssaal)

Leitung: P. Herbert Graupner SJ in Kooperation mit der GCL München

Anmeldung bis 19. Februar 2023
(089-231706-0 oder herbert.graupner(at)


P. Herbert Graupner SJ
Phone +49 / 89 / 23 17 06-48

Meditation & Contemplation

Contemplative prayer is a particular method of Christian – especially Ignatian – prayer. It focuses on the immediate dialogical relationship between the praying person and God, shaped by orientation towards Jesus Christ, "the way and the truth and the life" (John 14:6).

Jesuit Forum

The Jesuit Forum at Michaelssaal offers a platform for theological and spiritual impulses on one hand, for questions of our time in the broadest sense on the other. The evening starts with an expert lecture of about 50 minutes' length. After that there is about half an hour for open discussions and exchanges on the respective topic. We always end within the set timeframe (7:30 p.m to 9:00 p.m.).