P. Kern SJ gibt "Einblicke in das Johannesevangelium"
Lebenshilfe und Lebensdeutung
Welcome to the new website of the Jesuit Church of St. Michael's in the heart of Munich! After intensive preparations, our entire website has been thoroughly modernized and renewed.
The first new element that immediately catches the eye is our logo, the traditional IHS signet of the Order's founder, Ignatius of Loyola, within a sunburst. It is used in various forms in the worldwide Society of Jesus, and the new Central European Province of the Jesuits has adopted it as well. By choosing this logo with the initial letters of Jesus' name in their Greek shape, we express that the encounter with Jesus is the center of Ignatian spirituality and thus the guiding principle for everything we do.
I would like to express my special thanks to our organist at St. Michael's, Peter Kofler, who has dedicated a lot of time, energy and passion into getting the new site online. My thanks also goes out to all the others who have supported him.
I hope you will enjoy surfing around and exploring the site - here, the in the virtual space; but of course I would also be delighted to welcome you as a visitor in person. I am looking forward to your feedback. We are just as grateful for your suggestions and comments as for praise or criticism. We are aware that there will be further modifications and additions until we are completely satisfied with the website.
P. Karl Kern SJ
Pater Karl Kerns Buch „Gottesintimität – Einblicke in das Johannesevangelium“ ist im Attenkofer-Verlag erschienen und für 14,80 Euro bestellbar in der Buchhandlung Michaelsbund unter Telefon 089/23225-420 oder unter: www.michaelsbund.de/gottesintimitaet
Der Text ist mit freundlicher Genehmigung übernommen aus der Münchner Kirchenzeitung.